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You are HIV possible

{'m HIV Positive


You are HIV possible,which means anyone can acquire HIV. Remember the H, in HIV stands for human. As a human being you can acquire HIV through mother-child transmission, sharing drug injection equipment, such as needles and syringes, and through sexual activity including vaginal, anal, and oral sex. So, let’s talk about building your sexual health toolbox. Your sexual health toolbox contains options for you to ensure you have a healthy, fun, and pleasurable sex life.

PrEP, short for pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a safe and effective medicine that prevents HIV infection from sex or injection drug use. PrEP liberates you by giving you the freedom to have sex your way.

PrEP can be another tool that is a part of your sexual health toolbox, which also includes knowing your status, because no matter your HIV status, you have options.


'm HIV Positive
You are HIV possible

You are HIV possible,which means anyone can acquire HIV. Remember the H, in HIV stands for human. As a human being you can acquire HIV through mother-child transmission, sharing drug injection equipment, such as needles and syringes, and through sexual activity including vaginal, anal, and oral sex. So, let’s talk about building your sexual health toolbox. Your sexual health toolbox contains options for you to ensure you have a healthy, fun, and pleasurable sex life.

PrEP, short for pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a safe and effective medicine that prevents HIV infection from sex or injection drug use. PrEP liberates you by giving you the freedom to have sex your way.

PrEP can be another tool that is a part of your sexual health toolbox, which also includes knowing your status, because no matter your HIV status, you have options.


The Group Chat: PrEP and Pleasure

PrEP video 1 sceenshot

Toni Bryce, Actress and Trans Activist

PrEP video 2 screenshot

Mikki Bey , Relationship Coach

PrEP video 3 screenshot
Lashae Primus, Matchmaker
PrEP video 4 screenshot
Brittany Williams, Professor
PrEP video 5 screenshot
Ashley Cobb, Sex Educator

PrEP works by following four simple steps:

  • Getting tested
  • Taking a daily pill or by injectable to keep
    HIV from reproducing in your body
  • Using condoms always
  • Taking charge of your sexual health to
    stay HIV negative.



PrEP works by following four simple steps: 

  • Getting tested
  • Taking a daily pill or by injectable to keep
    HIV from reproducing in your body
  • Using condoms always
  • Taking charge of your sexual health to
    stay HIV negative


Why PREP Maters Text



Approximately 13% of Black people with HIV in the U.S. still do not know their status.


Black/African-American women continue to be disproportionately affected by HIV, making up 54% of new HIV diagnoses among women in 2019.


91% of new HIV infections were attributed to heterosexual contact while the HIV infection rate among Black women was the highest compared to women of all other races and ethnicities.


Only 8% of Black/ African- American people who can benefit from PrEP were prescribed PrEP in 2019, compared to 23% of people who can benefit from PrEP overall.

* Data as of 2021

Why prep Matters


Approximately 13% of Black people with HIV
in the U.S. still do not know their status.


Black/African-American women continue to be disproportionately affected by HIV, making up 54% of new HIV diagnoses among women in 2019.


91% of new HIV infections were attributed to heterosexual contact while the HIV infection rate among Black women was the highest compared to women of all other races and ethnicitie


Only 8% of Black/ African- American people who can benefit from PrEP were prescribed PrEP in 2019, compared to 23% of people who can benefit from PrEP overall

taking about PrEP

What you can expect if you
decide to get on PrEP?

While taking PrEP, you’ll have to visit your health care provider routinely as recommended for follow-up visits, HIV tests, and prescription refills or shots.

What To Expect woman

What you can expect if you
decide to get on PrEP?

While taking PrEP, you’ll have to visit your health care provider routinely as recommended for follow-up visits, HIV tests, and prescription refills or shots.

palm cards

are you a common champion of PrEP?

Help us share the facts that PrEP is also for women.